Thursday, December 13, 2012

It can get cold in Spain?

Its December! Its cold.  I'm cold.  Our heater is temporarily broken so I've been packing on the layers and spending much more time in bed than I should. For some reason I had figured that Spain doesn't really get that cold.  I was wrong, when I visited Spain two years earlier in February, it was Burma in comparison to Germany, but I was also nearer to the coast, apparently here in the center during the winter months it stays around freezing.  Not cold enough for snow of course, but cold enough that I'm mad that there isn't any.

I went to El Greco's house! Lovely place
Michaela and I went to Toledo!  Its only about an hour or so from Madrid by bus, so it makes a lovely day trip.  As you can see, Toledo was wonderfully picturesque, all the buildings a varying shade of terracotta, and cobblestone streets. A very old city, Toledo used to be the capital of Spain, and is particularly interesting because of it was a city where Jews, Christans, and Arabs all lived together for centuries, which spurned a odd mix of architecture that you can still see today. Toledo is famous for its Mazapan, which I think is like Marzipan, but the difference was never clear to me.  There might be a difference in the sugar to almond ratio.  Michaela and I were rather confounded when looking to buy Mazapan, for there seemed about 100 different types. The city was beautiful, but my favorite part of it was by the river that surrounds Toledo.  We spent much of our time there.  There were old arched bridges, and crumbling stone buildings, the whole thing seemed much like a fairy-tale, or at least something that would inspire a fairy-tale.  I was so happy to hear how silent it was. Toledo also has a big sword reputation, and lots of armor. 
  I went and saw the Life of Pi in theaters!(English of course) absolutely amazing, hopefully this weekend I'll go to the Hobbit. I think Spanish like to go to the cinema more often than Americans, its quite common here. In a week I take the train to Germany!


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

 Its been a while! Life is going, faster than I expected, and I feel like I'm in a pretty good rhythm now. A few weeks ago there was a huelga general, general strike.  It was enormous, most people didn't go to work, didn't shop,and there were thousands on the street, grafitti everywhere.  The kids stayed home from school so I didn't go to the protests.
 I found a library! Oh joy! It has a substantial English section that should last me a few months, I read a lot here, for I spend a lot of time on the metro. I also met a Canadian who looked exactly like Tintin! He says that he doesn't try, but I don't believe him.

The other weekend I went with a friend to The Sierra, the mountains around Madrid.  We went on a good hike, it was very cold, and there were a lot of people on the trail.  It felt fantastic to get away from the cold and smog of the city. I am going to return this Sunday, my Australian friend hasn't seen snow since she was 6, so I'm hoping that there will be some.

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 Christmas time is in full swing now, there are very odd Spanish Christmas markets that seem to exclusively sell small nativity figurines and crazy wigs and hats.  The only food you can buy at them is potato chips or sunflower seeds.  Very different from the German Christmas Markets, which I love. The street decorations are also...interesting.

 A  American grocery store! The prices are quite ridiculous, but you can buy peanut butter, cake mix, baking powder, airheads, cupcakes, marshmallows, and Jones!  I have also been expanding my food experience, I tried roasted chestnuts for the first time, as well as brandy and macaroons.   
Godzilla goes to the opera!
I bought myself a blue christmas cactus

 As great as Christmas would be  in Spain, it just doesn't coincide in my head. Many of the au-pairs head home for Christmas, but its just too far and expensive for me. I am headed to the snow in Germany.  I have a good friend who lives in Dortmund (not the most beautiful city, but its near Cologne)and will be spending Christmas with their family. They are Polish and some of the most hospitable people I know, so it should be lovely!