Thursday, March 14, 2013

Coast and Rain

It will be a quick post, for I have to finish packing. I am leaving Granada tomorrow! To be followed by Ben a day later when we will fly to Rome together.  Uff da, I will miss Granada, I am ready to go onto new and exciting things, and changing sheets has gotten rather old, but I love this city and will be so sad to leave it.  I feel like I need to come back, hopefully for a longer period of time.  Its been a good past few weeks, we took a little trip out to the coast a few hours away to a small resort town, Nerja.  Staying there only a night we had a lovely time hanging out at the beach and walking around.  Nerja is one of the picturesque white towns built into the hills situated right along the coast. All of the buildings are white. Strangely, it rather reminded me of Stavanger, Norway. It was also full of retired old scandanavian tourists. We definitely brought the average age down a few years.  Nerja is home to the famous Balcon De Europa.  The balcony of Europe, which is a beautiful lookout.  There are also old old caves , but being the terrible tourists we are, we did not visit them.  Life has been relatively uneventful in the past few weeks, but I did cut my hair!  A brave feat when the translations can go awry.   I am very happy with it, its very short. Rome in 3 days!PS: Sorry about the font/layout problems, I cant seem to change it and I don't have to patience to figure it out.  

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